Can this game be played by good friends?
Yes. Love Springs are important in all types of love to enhance relationship. Even though written in a romantic style, this game can be used by friends, too. Just take out & put aside any highly romantic Catalyst Cards from the deck when you play.
I advise gentle caution playing this with a friend if even a little sensual energy present. Playing the game can amplify any sexual feelings quite easily.
Sacred Union is a very profound experienced non-sexually. A hug with a male friend at a retreat turned into a 20 minute bliss-filled hug, Sacred Union. Amazing!
(Yes, but a bit awkward later…what do you say to him the next day!)
Is this game for non-heterosexuals, too?
Yes. I would suggest altering any designations or directions on the Love Springs Cards & the Catalyst Cards to match the genetic sex of each player. Why the genetic sex? Well, what I have observed after working with hundreds of people in my clinic & at retreats is…the direction of the River of Ahz matches the genetic sex of a person while a person’s sexual orientation is a different defining story.
I had thought perhaps the River would run better in the opposite direction for some…I haven’t found that to be true in anyone, yet. (There may be rare exceptions.)
What I have found, regardless of sexual orientation, or ‘role’ played in relationship, a person feels more alive & whole when their River flows deep & strong in the direction associated with their genetic sex. They are physically & emotionally healthier & more radiant in their personal masculine or feminine essence (not the cultural masculine/feminine stereotype). Partners…gay, lesbian, trans or heterosexual…report falling even deeper in love & being even more turned on by each other. A full human being shining brilliantly…that’s sexy! In fact, after gaining a flowing River of Ahz, no one has ever complained; they’re filled with the energy & the wonder of feeling & being truly alive!
What’s the difference physically…
between a Love Spring that’s flowing & one that’s not?
Simply, when the relationship within one of your Love Springs (or between two Love Springs) is flowing, you’ll find the signs of ‘being more alive’ in the physical area where they meet. When they’re not relating well, not flowing, you’ll find signs of decreased aliveness…the area feels ‘more dead’!
Signs of coming alive: Heat, even sweat, will appear. Living things create heat, dead things don’t. Deepening breath, surging ease, unwinding movements & rich feelings may occur. Living things breathe, move & feel, dead things don’t. The area will soften; vibrancy emerges like the blossoms of Spring. Living things are soft & filled with energy, dead things are rigid, lifeless & empty. Look for these signs in your body, in your relationships, and when you are doing the Chakra-Chakra!
What is Sacred Union?
Sacred Union is a shared, timeless experience of unification, rapture & evolution. It occurs as two people both have full Productive & Illumination Currents with seven flowing & connected Love Springs. A harmonized & integrated energetic circuit is created activating the Unification Currents within & between both partners bringing Sacred Union. The Bliss of Sacred Union may occur at the height of sexual ecstasy, in a hug or during a quiet walk down the lane.
Wasn’t Shakti the earth goddess?
How is it the female River begins in the heavens?
When the female is fully embodied…flowing from the divine heavens into the divine earth…she is the earth goddess! Shakti represents the fully embodied feminine.
Shiva, as the transcendent masculine, represents the male enlightened, physical man expanding from the earth into the heavens.